Believe it or not, you can make your very own easy ramen noodles at home in 3 minutes using the Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker.

easy ramen noodles

Americans consume about 6 billion pounds of pasta each year, so its safe to say making your own pasta can be beneficial in both cost and taste.

If I told you can make easy ramen noodles at home that is quick, would you believe me?

You may think I am a dream (as John Lennon says), but ramen in 3 minutes is possible! And it is only possible with the help of my trusty Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker.

This post is all about how to make easy ramen noodles at home.

Why Use the Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker

This machine helps mix, knead, and squeeze the pasta out in one machine in matter of minutes. The newer version of the Philips Pasta and Noodle Maker weights the ingredients making everything more precise and consistent. 

Another cool option is you can customize your pasta. You can have carrot, spinach, or beet pasta by passing vegetable juicer into the machine than regular water. 

I highly recommend the Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker machine.

Types of Flour

I like it with the mixture of regular white flour and bread flour. Bread flour is high in protein and that is what gives the noodle the chewiness. 

If you like ramen noodles recipes with a chewier bite, replace bread flour with vital wheat gluten.

Baking Soda

The noodles will need a big pot of water and some baking soda to be cooked in. The baking soda in the water helps give the ramen noodles more springiness and gloss when it is being cooked. 

The baking soda I use is the typical all purpose Arm and Hammer Baking Soda.

Some Examples of Easy Ramen Noodles I've made 

ramen noodles recipe
homemade ramen noodles recipe
how to make easy ramen noodles
so yummy easy ramen noodles

Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Because it Works! - As you can see above, I made many different types of noodles with this machine. My most favourite so far has been making ramen noodles. I'm so committed to this recipe I make this recipe at least two or three times a month. My favourite ramen soup is the 7 Ingredients homemade Ramen
  • It Freezes well - You made too much? Not a problem! It freezes really well. And cook well after freezing.
  • It's chewy - some ramen noodles I've bought from store has no bite to it, but it just holds together. This recipe has a certain chewiness that no dried store bought noodle can mimic. Just by the texture and taste you know its quality noodles!
  • Freshly made means no preservatives - the store bought dried noodles all have preservative for it to sit on the shelf for a long time. Fresh noodles do not have preservative so you know it is healthier than store bought ramen noodles.
  • So yummy easy ramen noodles !!!

Pro Tip #1 - The Type of Flour Matters

It's so important to use the right type of flour to achieve the amazing chewiness of ramen noodles. Try not to replace the flour with something else. I would suggest to try different brands of flour, but not the type.

Pro Tip #2 - Weight your Ingredients

This is sooo crucial and I want to express this is so important. If you have the older Phillips machine and doesn't have a scale within the machine, use a food scale. To achieve the correct portion from flour to water, using a scale will help immensely. So please, get a food scale!

easy ramen noodle made with Phillips pasta and noodle machine

Easy Ramen Noodle Recipe

Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Servings 6 people


  • food scale
  • Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker


  • 200 g all purpose flour
  • 350 g bread flour
  • 4 g salt
  • 216 g water
  • 4 g baking soda for cooking the pasta


  • Plug in the Philips Pasta and Noodle Machine. Place the spaghetti disk into the machine. Have a baking tray ready to lay the pasta on top.
  • Weight all the ingredients precisely and in the hopper, add the flours first and the salt. Close the lid. Start the machine and set the timer to 3 minutes.
  • While the machine is running, add the water at the top of the lid where there are holes. Slowly pour the liquid in and let the machine knead the dough for three minutes.
  • Meanwhile, bring a large pot of water to boil. add 1 tsp of salt in the water.
  • When 3 minutes are up, the machine will start to extrude the pasta out. Cut the noodle at your desire length. Let it rest on the baking tray.
  • Cook the noodles for 2 minutes and watch the water. It can over boil when there's starch in the water.
  • Meanwhile, fill up a large bowl with cold tap water.
  • Place the hot noodles in the bowl of cold water, and use chopsticks to swirl the noodle around to cool it.
  • Immediately strain the water, and repeat the rinse. Place the noodle on another baking tray. Try not to add or put too much pressure on top of the noodle or it will stick together.


  • If you want to freeze the noodles - place UNCOOKED noodles in the freezer. I recommend to swirl it into a small circular shape in the desire proportion. After it completely freezes, I place the circular portion into a zip lock bag and seal it until I need to use it.

This post was all about making easy ramen noodles at home with the Phillips Pasta and Noodle Maker

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About the Author Sammi Chow

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