make ahead cold appetizers with avocado. It’s refreshing and looks irresistibly beautiful on the table.

make ahead cold appetizers with avocado

The perfect Spring and Summer cold beet appetizer for bbq parties and family get-togethers

Try this Delicious make ahead cold appetizers with avocado and beet sashimi appetizer and realize you can make a delicious healthy salad that is both unique in concept and taste.

Cooked beets can be stored in the fridge, and when it is ready for service, just slice the avocado and drizzle the soy sauce on top. Easy and hassle-free.

Beet and Avocado Sashimi are sliced paper-thin and dressed in a delicious soy sauce dressing. 

This post is all about the perfect make ahead cold appetizers with avocado and beet. Delicious and perfect for BBQ parties.

Why You Should Try this

The taste is fresh and packed with flavours. It's fun and easy to make, and super effortless. A great vegetarian option for anyone who can’t eat salmon sashimi. It’s also a beautiful presentation dish on the table alongside your main dishes. 

The paper-thin sashimi slices make this dish super elegant and very high-end without the price tag or work. Be sure to pin the below photo to Pinterest and save this idea for when you’re planning your next together party with friends and family!

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Ingredients used to make Beet and Avocado Sashimi


Took me some time to thoroughly enjoy beets. Now I love the earthy taste and the beautiful colour it squeezes out when handling it. Nutritionists always say “each is the colour of the rainbow” and beets are definitely on my rainbow list.

Beet has many nutrients and few calories (hurray to those who are trying to lose weight!) Beets are great for neutralizing blood pressure and athletic performance. It’s definitely in my repair smoothie after a long hard workout.


GREAT source of good fat! When I say good fat, I mean it is packed with monounsaturated fat. This good fat helps lower bad cholesterol and is low in sugar. Avocado is definitely something I have at least twice a week (or maybe more) in the morning because it helps me feel full.

There’s a reason why eating avocado has skyrocketed in the last decades! And did you know the original place first founded in the world for avocados is in Puebla? The place where I am currently living! 

Soy sauce dressing

Easy and delicious dressing that can literally go on everything and anything. Though it's great on everything, it’s absolutely perfect for this recipe. Because the cold beet and avocado are sliced thinly like sashimi. The beet and avocado literally drink up the dressing and each sliced is marvelously marinated in its dressing. 

In the salad dressing we have: soy sauce, sesame oil, white vinegar, olive oil, and sugar. In the recipe, I have measurements for a small serving and a larger serving (around 1 cup). Use the dress according to the amounts you think you will need.

easy cold appetizers to make ahead

Profession Tips

Pro Tip #1 - How to cook the beets

Normally I use a vegetable peeler and take out the outer skin and chop the ends off. Then I split the beet in half. Take a pot, put the beets in, and fill it up with water. Boil it for about 10 minutes, drain out the water, and let it cool completely in the pot. This way it doesn’t completely dry the beet and it maintains juicy and succulent when I thinly slice into it. 

Pro Tip #2 - How to cut

Lay the beet or avocado down on the flat side on the cutting board. With a sharp long knife, thinly slice the beet and avocado as much as you can. Once you cut and life the knife, some of the slices will come up. Use a finger to press the thinly sliced beet and avocado back down.

Once you thinly slice through the whole vegetable, gently squeeze the sides and it will start to stretch out. From here you can stretch it into any shapes you want or roll it up and turn it into a rose.

elegant cold appetizers
make ahead cold appetizers with avocado

Delicious Make-ahead Beet and Avocado Sashimi Appetizer

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes


  • 2 large beets
  • 2 ripe avocado

Small Serving Soy Sauce Dressing

  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp white sugar

± 1 Cup Serving Soy Sauce Dressing

  • ¼ cup soy sauce
  • 2 tsp sesame oil
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • ¼ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup white sugar


To Cook the Beet

  • Using a vegetable peeler, take out the skin of the beet and cut the ends off. Split it in half.
  • Place the beets inside a pot and fill it up with water until the beets are covered. Place the lid on top. Boil for 10 minutes. Drain and let the beets cool inside the pot with the lid on.

Arranging the Salad

  • Use a paper towel to dry the beets, and place the beet flat side down on the cutting board. With a very sharp and thin knife, carefully slice the beet. When you lift the knife, the thinly sliced beet will try to stick to the knife. Use a finger to stop the sheet from falling out and place it back in the beet in the same arrangement. Slice the following slice and try to keep it has thin as possible. Repeat until the whole beet is thinly sliced.
  • Using the same methodology, slice the avocados. Remember to wash the board and knife so the beet colour doesn't stick to the avocado.
  • Fan out beet and avocado slices so that they form a long line with the slices overlapping each other. I usually remove the small slices from the ends because they are difficult to shape. Starting from one end, curl avocado slices toward the center, until I get a wave.
  • Use a piece of leaf or anything decorative to place it on the plate. Then place the beet and avocado sashimi on top.


  • Combine all the ingredients together and place it in a cup. When you're about to add it to the salad, give it a good shake or stir and drizzle it on top of the avocado and beet.


  • to keep the avocado from browning, squeeze the juice of the lime on top of the avocado to preserve it from browning. Still, cut the avocado when you know serving time is almost there. Try not to cut it the day before like the beets. They don't preserve the same.
  • Keto Diet: for the soy sauce take out the sugar for keto friendly dressing

This post was all about the perfect make ahead cold appetizers with avocado. Delicious and perfect for BBQ parties.

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About the Author Sammi Chow

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